Business Cards, Brochures, Flyers, and More
Make your business stand out with custom designed products. Promote and advertise your name, services, products, and information to a wide range of audiences. Achieve high quality for your bulk orders to promote your company or event. If needed, we have designers on hand to help you produce the perfect image. Focus on your business while we deliver your products to you in the Greater Toronto Area!

Business card : a business card is a primary source for individuals to provide their contact info to potential clients and customers. First, the card is digitally printed from the designed file and then laminated with a cellophane cover. Choose between German cotton paper, Indonesian cotton paper, needle paper, shell paper, and cardboard (please note lamination is not available for cotton paper). The maximum print size for a business card is 9/5 at 5/5 with 4/5 at 8/5 and 5 at 9 dimensions also available. For immediate service, orders below 1000 are preferred.

Tags : hang tags are a thick paper with the brand name, pricing, or other business information. It can be hung from a product with a strap.

Catalogs : important to introduce and inform for the areas of production and services, a catalog is a booklet of double-sided colour sheets, with a cover poster. Pages, shape, design, and bindings can be fully customized.

Creasing : create a line, or line up, in your product to be bent or folded over for future use. A creasing machine uses a semicircular blade to push in a line without cutting it.

Brochures : a folded notebook-like product, the brochure provides a detailed description of a product or service. It often comes in colour, 2 sided, 3 fold, and 2 fold. After printing, a creasing machine creates the proper fold lines.

Flyers : a promotional leaflet, this is the cheapest form of small print advertising. Typically printed in A5, present product information, describe activities and services, and promote your event.

Posters : announce news, events, and promotions with A3 poster printing. With digital printing, we can print a large number of posters while maintaining quality.

We also provide letterhead and envelope printing with your logo, contact number, and other important information. Call us to get a free consultation for our office products.